Research Knowledge Hubs
Cooperative Species Management (Zoo based)
- Global & Regional SMP
- Maintain accurate & comprehensive specimen databases
- Assist management decisions regarding animal collection
- Facilitate and promote the use of the NZG animal databases
- Contribute to the conservation of endangered species: stud books, APP, SSC, CIRCC
- Increase capacity through training in basic population management
Disease Surveillance / monitoring
Objectives of this knowledge hub include:
- Rendering a research oriented pathology service in pathological and pathogenesis aspects for zoo animals and free ranging wildlife
- Establish, maintain and expand a computer-based pathological reference database and central information service
- Generate retro and prospective research projects to better understand wildlife diseases
- Expand the large collection of formalin fixed specimen and tissue samples as reference material
- To become a regionally recognized centre for disease monitoring (AHEAD, OIE, NEPAD)
- Facilitate with national and international veterinary pathologists and researchers to build the NZG database on wildlife diseases to allow investigation of emerging diseases in free ranging populations
- Collaborative research initiative with NICD regarding staff wellness programme