Supply of Hamburger buns & Hotdog rolls (Albany) at the National Zoological Garden (NZG) for a period of 12 months.
Submission of proposals
Proposals must be emailed to Mr. M Muhlava M.Muhlava@sanbi.org.za and copy S.SCM-Quotations@sanbi.org.za
Application process
Download the relevant documents listed on this page to learn about the application process and download Government Procurement Conditions of Contract.
Please note that any emails sent to SANBI must be under 10MB in size.
Bid type: Quotation (under R1,000, 000)
SCM Contact Person :
Mr. Mixo Muhlava
Tel.: (012) 843 5000
E-mail: M.Muhlava@sanbi.org.za
Technical Queries:
Ms. Johannah Moeng
E-mail: j.moeng2@sanbi.org.za
Closes: Friday, 09 June 2023
Time: 11:00
Location: Pretoria